Sub-Total : $523.30
Eco Tax (-2.00) : $4.52
VAT (20%) : $104.66
Total : $632.48

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Hanger Tent

Product Details

Durable tents, which are meticulously designed for large gatherings and events.
These tents are distinguished by their robust construction and reliability, thus making them an
ideal choice for outdoor functions. Our tents are crafted from premium PVC-coated fabrics that
exhibit high tensile strength, ensuring their capability to withstand a variety of challenging
weather conditions—from harsh winds to unexpected rain—while simultaneously providing a
dependable and comfortable shelter for attendees. Additionally, we utilize strong, lightweight
aluminum poles which further enhance stability and longevity, thereby ensuring that your
events can proceed smoothly regardless of the prevailing elements. A notable feature of our
tents is their impressive lifespan of up to a decade. This remarkable durability not only
underscores the quality of our products but also constitutes a prudent investment for any
organization or individual that anticipates hosting numerous events in the years to come.

White Lewis

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White Lewis

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis aucibus orci luctustrices posuere cubilia Curae Sus pen disse viverra ed viverra. Mauris ullarper euismod vehicula.

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